Build Intelligent A.I. Systems Which Sky Rocket Your Lead Conversions and Customer Satisfaction !!

Turn Ice-Cold Leads Into Loyal Clients Using Our A.I. Powered Marketing Machine !!

Our Revolutionary A.I. Powered ChatBots And CRM Software Has Only One Job That Is To Bring In An Ice-Cold Lead For Local Business Owners And Convert Them Into A Satisfied Client On Autopilot Without You Moving A Finger !!

Did You Know ?

More than 85% of businesses adopting automated C.R.M. experience better customer experience.

What's the Inicio Media CRM Difference ?

Our customised, Done For You Generative A.I.-Powered CRM technology delivers personalised experiences to prospects and clients of local businesses. The system automates lead generation, qualification, nurturing, reputation management across online platforms among other features 100% on automation - ensuring seamless customer experiences and improved conversions.

🔊 Turn up Your Volume and Hit the Play Button Below to See How it Works!

Why You Should Hire A Done For You A.I. CRM Automation Agency Such As Inicio Media ?

Choosing Inicio Media’s "Done For You Services" offers big advantages over "Doing It Yourself". Not that you can't do it alone but with our expertise, you avoid the steep learning curve of complex A.I. technologies. Our team spent over 2 years perfecting workflows, chatbot prompts, scripts, automated workflows and other technical details to ensure efficiency and effectiveness. We've been entrepreneurs since a decade now. While you could invest time to learn these ins and outs, partnering with us means your systems are up and running in just 1-2 weeks, instead of half a year (or longer) if you attempted it alone. It's about utilizing our experience and proven systems for quick results allowing you to focus on your core business and find generate additional revenue immediately rather than months from now, while having a competitive edge over your competitors.

Why You Would Love Our A.I. Powered C.R.M ?

Tired of switching between different applications and agencies just to streamline your marketing, sales, and customer relationship activities?

We are an all-in-one software platform.

Inicio Media's A.I .- Powered CRM comes in handy with everything your business ever needs on a mobile app.

View Everything From A Single Dashboard.

Connect with your customers the way they prefer to connect with you.

No one wants to call businesses anymore.

In 2024, it's like asking them to fax you !

Unlock The Power Of Customization

Skyrocket your business by reaching customers on their most preferred communication channel.

Never Lose BusinessTo A Missed Call

Turn every missed call into an automated SMS Conversation

Elevate Your Reputation

Monitor, reply on automation, and grow your listing ranking and reviews from your pocket.

Increase Revenue From Google

Activating Google Chat On Inicio’s C.R.M is like turning on a "free leads" faucet for your business.

Everything In One Platform

Monitor all major aspects like calls, appointments, marketing reports, prospect pipeline etc. all from one mobile app.

How To Use Inicio Media's C.R.M. in 4 Simple Steps

Step 1: Set Your Marketing Assets

It is all prebuilt and customisable and easy to fit how you work and as per your business needs.

  • Your Website

  • Your Marketing Funnels

  • Google My Business Integration

  • Social Profile Integration

Step 2: Set Your Sales Pipeline Activities

Automate your business operations and improve customer experience with pre-built workflows.

  • Appointment Scheduling

  • Missed Call Revert Workflow

  • SMS and Email Campaign Workflow

  • Automated Reputation Management

Step 3: Focus On Sales and Productivity

Once all processes are automated to eliminate errors and gaps, you can focus on higher priorities.

  • Customer Interaction

  • In-Store/Out-Store Service or Product Experience

  • Team Members Productivity

  • Enjoy More Freedom To Innovate and Lead In Your Market.

Step 4: Optimize and Grow

Inicio Media's Solutions provides analytics to understand operational gaps, directing your focus to priorities that matter the most.

  • Analyze operational metrics reports

  • Understand The ROI of Automation Goals Set

  • Analyze Specific Gaps

  • Realign, Adjust, and Dominate Your Market

Improve Your Local Business Sales and Customer Relationships with Our Help!

Learn More About Our Super-Star A.I. CRM Solutions

Inicio - Revitalisation

Revive Dormant Leads with Inicio Media's AI-Powered CRM

Our cutting-edge A.I. CRM empowers you to breathe new life into old leads lying dead in your database. Harness the power of A.I. backed intelligent sequences delivered seamlessly across multiple channels, reigniting connections and unlocking untapped potential within your existing lead pool.

Inicio - Reputation

Elevate Your Digital Credibility with Inicio Media's AI CRM

Imagine having a virtual shield safeguarding your online reputation. Our AI CRM acts as a digital bodyguard, automatically managing and responding to your Google reviews, ensuring a flawless online presence. Envision a tireless reputation defender, effortlessly showcasing favourable reviews across Internet all over.

Inicio - Multi Channel

With Inicio Media Say Goodbye to Ignored Campaigns

Don't settle for marketing sequences or offers that go unnoticed. Our cutting-edge CRM empowers you to deliver your messages on your prospects' preferred channels – whether it's email, WhatsApp, or good old-fashioned text messaging. By meeting your audience where they are, you'll ensure your communication never falls through the cracks.

Inicio - Lead To Sales Pipeline

Generate More Customers with Inicio Media's AI CRM

Our innovative AI CRM helps you create high-converting lead generation funnels and connect your ad accounts. These leads then enter a nurturing pipeline in the CRM. This pipeline gradually introduces your business to the prospects through automated emails, texts, etc. This makes prospects more aware of your business over time. Eventually, these nurtured leads become your customers.

Inicio - Smart Assistant

Your All-In-One Automated Business Assistant

Inicio Media's CRM acts as your tireless ally, automatically texting individuals who reach out, managing appointments, providing detailed marketing spent and activity reports, and safeguarding your online reputation among many other tasks. It's handles these crucial tasks without you lifting a finger, allowing you to focus on your core business while everything runs seamlessly in the background.

Inicio - Stranger To Friend

Tailored to Speak Your Language

Our A.I. CRM adapts to your unique business language. We meticulously customise it to align with your specific needs and vernacular. You no longer need to personally talk with prospects to help them understand you better or screen them. This automated personalised approach ensures a seamless experience, fostering stronger connections and nurturing lasting relationships with your audience, while they feel they are talking to a human.

Simplicity and High ROI: The Inicio Way

At Inicio, we believe in keeping things streamlined and focused on driving maximum return on investment. Our innovative AI CRM platform consolidates the functionalities of over 10 different automation software solutions, bringing everything under one unified roof.

By leveraging our cutting-edge technology, you'll save upwards of $1,800 in recurring membership fees typically required to set up a robust, AI-powered infrastructure. Instead, you'll gain access to this comprehensive solution at less than a quarter of the cost you'd incur with other software alternatives.

If this value proposition resonates with you, we highly encourage you to book a demo call with us. Discover firsthand how our AI CRM platform can streamline your operations, maximise your Sales and ROI, and propel your business to new heights.


At Inicio Media, we recognize that every business is distinct, and so are its AI automation and CRM requirements. We reject the notion of a one-size-fits-all pricing model. Instead, we take a personalized approach, tailoring our services to perfectly align with your specific needs. Book a call with us, and we'll discuss pricing that matches your unique AI automation demands.

To give you an idea, our base subscription starts at just $297 per month, offering an affordable entry point into our cutting-edge AI automation solutions.

Core - Media

$297 - Base Subscription (Recurring Monthly)

Recurring Monthly Base Subscription W/out Any Custom Set-Up Fee

Below Is What You Can Set-Up Yourself

  • Customized Unified Platform Setup & Full Access

  • Customer Learning Portal with Training Videos

  • One-On-One Call with Founding Team

  • Inicio Smart A.I. Assistant

  • Omni-Channel AI Bots (SMS, WhatsApp, Email)

  • Google Reputation Management

  • Missed Call to Appointment Booking

  • Unified Marketing Dashboard

  • Contact to CRM Integration

  • Website Templates & Development

  • Lead Generation Funnel Builder

  • Calendar Integration & Auto-Management

  • Email Marketing

  • SMS/Voice Configuration (A2P)

  • Customizable Bot Flows & Templates

  • Payment Integration

  • Ad Account Connectivity & Management

Pro - Media

$297 - Base + Pro Custom Build (One-Time Investment)

Recurring Monthly Base Subscription Plus One Time Pro-Media Custom Set-Up Fee

Below Is What We Set-Up For You

  • Behavior Temperature Setup for AI Bots

  • Customer Data Reactivation Sequences

  • A2P SMS Registration Setup

  • Dedicated Account Manager

  • Priority Support & Onboarding

  • Advanced Chatbot Analytics & Insights

  • Keyword Monitoring & Sentiment Analysis

  • Social Media Integration

  • Lead Scoring & Nurturing Campaigns

  • Automated Review Generation

  • Custom Integrations & API Access

  • Dedicated IP & Enhanced Security

  • Conversion Tracking & Attribution

  • Plus Everything Included As in Core -Media

  • Personal AI Secretary & Appointment Setter

  • Personalized AI Chatbot Hookup

  • Custom Prompts for AI Behavior Setup (Individual Conversation Personalization)

  • Missed Call Automation & Workflow Integration

Elite - Media

$297 - Base + Elite Custom Build (One-Time Investment)

Recurring Monthly Base Subscription Plus One Time Elite-Media Custom Set-Up Fee

Below Is What We Set-Up For You

  • Leveraging Digital Channels for Active Pipeline Building

  • Personal AI Secretary & Appointment Setter

  • Personalized AI Chatbot Hookup

  • Custom Prompts for AI Behavior Setup (Individual Conversation Personalization)

  • Custom Workflows for Lead Qualification & Appointment Setting

  • Industry-Specific Lead Qualifiers (e.g., Home Services, Chiropractors)

  • Standard Funnel Setup (Call Booking, Email Capture)

  • Customer Database Reactivation Sequences

  • Sales CRM Flow with Automated Workflows

  • Text Drip Campaigns & Nurturing Sequences (30-day)

  • Email Drip Campaigns & Newsletters (8 Weeks)

  • Multichannel Ad Campaign Activation

  • Custom Lead Generation

    Funnel Setup

  • Plus Everything Included As in Core -Media & Pro - Media

Inicio-Media's Guarantee As Your A.I. Powered Growth Partner

Simplicity is Our Motto, Your Growth is Our Pride

At Inicio Media, we prioritise simplicity in everything we do, and our clients' success is our greatest source of pride. Our aim goes beyond being just another AI automation agency – we aspire to be a partner in your business's growth and expansion.

We understand that you may have reservations and numerous questions waiting to be answered. That's why, before you commit to a demo call with us, we wanted to reassure you with our 30-day money-back guarantee on the base subscription. While we're confident you'll be impressed with our services, this guarantee serves as motivation to move forward with confidence.

Embrace simplicity, experience excellence, and embark on a journey of growth with Inicio Media as your trusted A.I. Powered Automation & CRM partner.

Book your demo call today, and let's explore how our tailored solutions can unlock new possibilities for your business.

What Some Of Beta Clients Has Experienced With Us ?

See Incio Media's A.I. CRM In Action

Since You are Reading Till Here And Haven't Still Booked A Call We Assume You Would like To Experience Yourself How The System Works ?

Check The Same By Clicking The "Experience Now" Button Yourself !!

Explore Case Study Blogs on How Businesses Leverage Inicio Media's CRM

Inicio Media CRM

1% Realtors Do This Now

March 15, 20243 min read

"According To A Recent Study 8.7X Could Be The Pay-Back For Implementing CRM In Your Business"

As a real estate agent, your plate is full—open houses, client meetings, paperwork, marketing, leads to follow up on, and a constant stream of tasks that demand your attention throughout the day. Succeeding in this hustle doesn't mean struggling to keep up manually; it's about leveraging technology to work smarter.

AI-powered Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools have become essential for agents looking to boost productivity and exceed client expectations in today's highly competitive real estate market.

Why AI-Enabled CRM is Crucial in 2024's Real Estate Landscape

Follow-ups are the linchpin of successful deals. Over 90% of first-time homebuyers start their search online, generating a flood of inquiries. Despite this, the conversion percentage of real estate clients is quite low, so what could be the reason

The main culprit is unresponsiveness. Life gets busy, and intentions get pushed aside, causing valuable leads to slip through the cracks.

A Strong CRM platform layered with AI understanding proactively addresses this by automatically capturing inquiries and adding missed connections to your priority prospect queues. Intelligent CRM systems also run integrated campaigns across various channels to keep you top of mind with both cold leads and qualified prospects, crucial in a crowded market.

Efficiency Through Streamlined Workflows

Real estate involves managing complex pipelines, from new contacts to buyer leads to signed listings. Organizing calendars, paperwork, and follow-ups can quickly become chaotic, leaving little time for revenue-driving activities.

In this case, as well a strong CRM platform layered with AI understanding consolidate systems onto a single dashboard, offering features like cloud file sharing, contract builder templates, and e-signature integrations to reduce busywork. 

An AI layer contextualizes data to surface and schedule the most timely tasks based on current pipelines, eliminating the need for manual sorting through leads.

Standing Out in an Inbox-Focused Market

In real estate, most buyer relationships still start online – 96% of agents say they leverage email marketing. Yet generic email blasts clearly don’t cut it anymore in an ultra-competitive market. 

Prospects expect customized communication aligned with their choice and preferred channel

AI CRM takes personalization to the next level by uncovering a consistent brand presence across various channels with other workflow integrations and social promotion tools.

The AI Edge is Here Today

Inicio Media offers an AI CRM purpose-built to amplify real estate agent productivity. After registering a missed call or meeting request, the system automatically logs a reminder to respond to hot prospects within minutes. Email templates pre-packaged for common real estate scenarios (price change alerts, neighborhood updates, etc) remove the hassle of starting from scratch every time. Integrated campaign builders allow agents to set up sequenced multi-channel campaigns targeted to different buyer stages once with the click of a button.

Early users may see 3X more listings signed within the first month by finally focusing on revenue-generating tasks instead of coordination.

The Bottom Line

AI CRM brings all the foundational tools plus next-level automation needed for real estate agents to thrive in 2024’s ultracompetitive market. Streamlined workflows, automatic lead follow-up, and personalized cross-channel campaigns let you work smarter – not harder – to drive results. 

Don’t leave business on the table due to sheer lack of hours in the day or to a missed call. 

Evolving CRM technology like Inicio Media’s Platform now gives agents built-in support to scale success.

Explore the possibilities of Inicio’s AI-powered CRM technology today.

Click Here To Experience Now Inicio Media's Transformative Technology

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David Cabrera

Founder Of Inicio Media CRM

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